Business software for your Furniture and Home Decor business

Why juggle inventory, orders, and customer requests when Corenio can streamline your furniture business effortlessly?

All-in sollution for the furniture business

Why wrestle with inventory and orders? Let Corenio handle it all—streamline your furniture biz and chill like a recliner!

Website with B2C and B2B customer portal

Corenio: The portal where B2C and B2B customers can shop, manage orders, and feel like VIPs—all while you relax!

Complex items easily managed

Corenio: Turn item chaos into calm! Easily store, organize, and manage with our platform—save time, money, and sanity!

Key features to run your succesfull furniture business

Corenio Furniture Wholesale ERP is a comprehensive solution for furniture wholesalers. It streamlines operations, boosts efficiency, and enhances customer service. Features include inventory, order, and financial management, CRM, and an integrated e-commerce platform for online sales. The user-friendly interface ensures easy management and maximizes business potential. With Corenio, transform your furniture wholesale business into a seamless, efficient operation.

Structured PIM data

Corenio Structured PIM data provides detailed product information, such as images, descriptions, specs, and more, to help you create high-quality product listings. It's perfect for e-commerce, marketing, and product management.

Product configurations

Corenio software provides easy-to-use product configuration tools for furniture retailers. With a few clicks, you can quickly create custom furniture pieces and save time and money.

Data Feeds

Corenio's furniture data feeds make exporting data to customers and channels easy. Export up-to-date product and pricing info quickly and easily, and keep your listings accurate and up-to-date.


Corenio's Furniture Pricegroups offer an easy way to price products to customers or channels. With the ability to assign different prices to different groups, you can quickly create tailored pricing strategies.